On our last Reviewed By You, we asked you about your favorite Club Penguin party. I liked Cat956's comment:
"I love the new features in the puffle party, but I have to say that in my books the Medieval Party has to take the cake. It is an original Club Penguin party and almost every single room on Club Penguin has been decorated. It is a chance for all penguins to get together, decorate their igloos, and have fun. The thing that separates this party from the rest is the quests. They are awesome! It provides a challenge for penguins whether it's a puzzle or a fight with a dragon, it always provides a great deal of fun for penguins. Waddle On! :)"
Thanks, Cat956!
As you know, the April Fool's Party is on now, along with the silliest issue of the Club Penguin Times ever. With all this silliness going on, I'd love to know the best April Fools joke you've heard!
I'll feature one of your comments on the blog next time, and you'll even receive a coin bonus of 10,000 on your account.
Waddle On! :)
-Club Penguin Team
Saturday, March 31, 2012
Club Penguin Reviewed By You: April Fools
Happy77 has posted a new Reviewed By You article to the Club Penguin Community blog. This Reviewed By You is all about the April Fools Day Party, and what some penguins think of it! Check it out below:
Club Penguin Free Box Hat Item Cheat
Club Penguin have released a new free item for the April Fools Party. This item is a Box Hat head item! To pick it up follow these steps:
- Go to the Box Dimension
- Enter the Cream Soda Dimension
- Walk through the barrels until you get to the item
- Click on it to pick it up!
It's a really wacky item to wear! You also get a pretty neat Party Puzzle stamp to add to your Stamp Book.
The April Fools Party sure looks amazing! What do you think? Let us know by leaving a comment.
Thursday, March 29, 2012
Club Penguin April Fools Day Party 2012 Catalog
Club Penguin have released a new catalog exclusively for the April Fools Day Party 2012! You can get it at any Box Dimension. From it, you can buy:
- White Cocoa Bunny Ears
- White Cocoa Bunny Costume
- The Bubblegum (Wig)
- Technicolor Fairy Dress
- Astro Suit
- Astro Boots
- Astro Helmet
- Brown Cowboy Hat
- Polka-Dot Bandanna
- Lasso
- Cowboy Outfit
You can view the Catalog below:
I like the catalog! Do you? Let us know what you think in the comments section below.
Club Penguin April Fools Day Party Cheats 2012
The long awaited Club Penguin April Fools Day Party of 2012 has finally arrived on the island! It's the craziest party of the year, and today I've put together a mini party guide for you to check out, so you can get the most out of this CP party.
How to get to the Box Dimension:
How to get to the Box Dimension:
- Open your map
- Click "Go There!" and wait until it loads
- You are now in the Snow Forts, click on the Box Dimension entrance
- You are now in the Box Dimension, have fun!
From here you can access loads of different party rooms, change your penguin size, and more. Go crazy and have fun!
Club Penguin Free Blue Propeller Cap Cheat
For the Club Penguin April Fools Day Party 2012, the CP team have been hard at work making and releasing free items for us, such as the wacky Blue Propeller Cap, here's how to pick it up!
- Log on Club Penguin
- Head to the Town or Plaza
- Waddle over the Blue Propeller Cap
- Congratulations! You now have the Club Penguin Blue Propeller Cap.
This item is one of my favorite free items! What about you? Leave a comment in the box below!
Club Penguin Times Issue #336
A new edition of the Penguin Times is out, and it's the craziest issue ever! It features loads of wacky articles, it's for the April Fools Day party, so you can kind of guess why! This issue talks about the April Fools Day party, Igloo Contest, and more! Check out the issue below:
The Upcoming Events sure are strange, here they are.
Forever and ever - April Fool's Day Party
In 7 weeks - Medieval Party 2012
In 9 months - Holiday Party 2012
Wednesday, March 28, 2012
Club Penguin April Fool's Party Coming Soon!
Happy77 has posted a new blog post to the Club Penguin Community Blog (What's New). In this post she explains about the April Fools Party happening soon! It's the craziest party of the year, some of the features include an igloo contest, and a chance to meet famous Club Penguin mascot, Rookie.
Greetings Penguins!
Happy77 here. Thanks for all the nice comments about the Puffle Party! Hopefully you had a chance to meet PH and walk around the island as a puffle.
Now it's almost time for the next big event -- the April Fool's Party! There are new dimensions to explore, a crazy-huge igloo contest, and even a chance to meet Rookie. Check out how tiny I am!
Speaking of igloo contests... The winner of the April Fool's igloo contest will get the biggest coin prize ever... 1 million coins! How sweet is that?
So what are you most excited about? Leave a comment and let us know! :)
Waddle On!
-Club Penguin Team
Tuesday, March 27, 2012
Club Penguin Video Blog: UK April Toy Special
Today, the Club Penguin UK Team have announced a special offer on all Club Penguin Toy Sales across the UK. From March 21 - April 17th, stores across the United Kingdom, will be selling 25% off all Club Penguin toys! You can also get a free 7 day Club Penguin membership with every purchase.
Watch the video:
Watch the video:
Wow! I'm definitely going to check out the toys, the offer is awesome! Remember, this offer is only in the UK! Are you going to buy any toys today? Leave a comment.
Sunday, March 25, 2012
Rockhopper's Ship Has Left Club Penguin!
After Rockhopper's Quest ended, Rockhopper set sail back to Rockhopper Island. He was still quite visible in the Beacon Telescope a few days ago but today, he has fully gone, back to Rockhopper Island! The telescope is pretty much empty now, although you can see the red lighthouse from one of the three island, take a look:
Are you excited for the next time Rockhopper will visit, and what he's got in store for us? Oh, and are you ready to go CRAZY at this years April Fools Day Party? I know I am! Leave your comments below, and as always, waddle on!
Friday, March 23, 2012
Club Penguin Video Blog: Puffle Problems?
The Club Penguin Australian team have posted a new video to their YouTube channel about Puffle Problems, and how to ask PH (Puffle Handler) for help! In the video, Bao leads the search for Club Penguin's puffle expert, PH, to help us solve some pesky puffle problems!
Watch the video:
Watch the video:
This video is so funny, Bao sure is a cool guy! Do you agree, and like this video? Comment below to tell us!
Club Penguin Cake Pin Cheat
There's a new pin that's been released on the Club Penguin island. It's a Cake Pin. You can pick it up at the Book Room, in the left corner. Here's a picture to help you out!
Pretty cool pin, don't you think? Let us know what you think in the comments, waddle on penguins!
Club Penguin Times Issue #335
Club Penguin have released a new issue of the popular newspaper, the penguin times. This issue is #335 and features articles such as Puffle Party news, Box Dimension info, and more!
Until Mar. 27 - Puffle Party!
Starting Mar. 29 - April Fool's Igloo Contest
Starting Apr. 5 - Penguin Style Catalog
Club Penguin April Fools Day 2012 Login Screen
SWEET! Club Penguin just updated their login screen for the April Fools Day Party of 2012! This party starts on March 29th and runs on until April 3rd. It's set to be the CRAZIEST party ever! Check out the screen:
Are you ready to prank and party all day long? Let us know, by leaving a comment!
Thursday, March 22, 2012
Club Penguin Cheats: Win 1 Million Coins!
Club Penguin's Twitter account (CPParents) recently tweeted about the April Fools Day 2012 Igloo Contest that you can enter next week, to win 1 MILLION Club Penguin coins! They tweeted this: "Is your child a #ClubPenguin member? Next week they can enter a crazy igloo decorating contest for a chance to win a million virtual coins!"
I think this is pretty cool. Although, 1 million coins does seem a little bit too much, do you think Club Penguin could be setting us up for April Fools? Or is it real? Let's have a debate. Leave your answer in the comments below, and see what others think too!
Wednesday, March 21, 2012
Club Penguin Featured Igloos - March 20
Happy77 here. Check out some of the brilliant igloos you nominated to be featured on the blog:
Bryna1 said: "Hi, you HAVE to check out my friend Gogleyfart2's igloo it is FULL of puffle stuff! PLEASE CHECK OUT HIS IGLOO!"
Sycho1 said: "Hi!!! My friend Hman104 has a great igloo. It's always so different!!! Right now part of it is puffle themed and part of it is outdoor themed!!! It is AWESOME!!! Waddle on CP!!!"
Zuzuzu160 said: "Hey I think that Zukky2's igloo is awesome! She has tubes and a tree made out of puffle lanterns! It's just so amazing about where she gets all those coins!"
Does your friend have a sweet igloo? Post their penguin's name and why you like it in the comments. We'll feature 3 new igloos again soon!
Waddle On! :)
Club Penguin Team
Tuesday, March 20, 2012
Club Penguin Get Connected: Puffle Party 2012
Club Penguin have uploaded a new video to their YouTube channel today, titled: "Disney Channel Get Connected: Puffle Party 2012! [Official Club Penguin]" It is a Disney Get Connected episode all about the Puffle Party 2012. Check it out:
Do you think this new Disney Get Connected is cool? I do, leave a comment letting me know your thoughts.
New Club Penguin German Servers
Club Penguin have recently updated some of their German servers on the German version of Club Penguin. The new German servers are view-able below:
Thanks to Trainman1405 to notifying me of this. Watscheln auf! (Waddle on!)
Sunday, March 18, 2012
Club Penguin Reviewed By You: Favorite Event
Thanks for all of the sweet comments from last time's Reviewed By You! I liked Michele50's comment about puffles!
"My favorite puffle is the orange puffle because I think it reminds us just to lay back and have fun! Also, I think the orange puffle can bring something happy and entertaining to someone that has maybe had a bad day and needs something funny to cheer them up. I currently have two orange puffles and they definitely cheer me up when I'm in a bad mood. The last thing is, they are the kind of puffle that isn't afraid to show who they are, even if some embarrassing things are part of their personality (drooling on the pillow comes to mind) and I think that's a good message not only for me, but for other kids around the world. I love Orange Puffles and Waddle On!"
I totally agree, Michele50!
I hope all of you penguins (and puffles) are enjoying the Puffle Party! With all of this party excitement, I'd love to know... What's your favorite Club Penguin event of all time?
Keep an eye out for the next Reviewed By You coming soon. I'll post one of your comments and you'll even receive a 10,000 coin bonus on your account. Enjoy the Puffle Party!
Waddle On! :)
-Club Penguin Team
Thursday, March 15, 2012
Club Penguin Times Issue #334
A new Club Penguin newspaper issue has been released on the island, this week's issue is #334, and it's all about the Puffle Party! Here's the full penguin times issue:
Upcoming Events:
On Now! Quest for the Golden Puffle
Starting Mar. 29 - April Fool's Day Party
Starting Apr. 5 - Penguin Style Catalog
Club Penguin St. Patrick's Day Hat Cheat
I find this one quite strange, at the Puffle Party, there's a St. Patrick's Day hat! I thought St. Patrick's Day was on the 17th March! Anyway, here's how to get it early.
- Log on to Club Penguin
- Go to the Mine via your map
- Click on the St. Patrick's day hat (it's buried in the clovers)
- Congrats! You now have the Club Penguin St. Patrick's Day Hat! Wear it proudly!
I remember Club Penguin doing this a while back, it was first released in 2008 or 2009. Do you like the hat? I do, let me know what you think in the comments.
Club Penguin Puffle Party 2012 Catalog Cheats
At the Puffle Party, Club Penguin have put together a special one off Puffle Catalog for us, only available at the Ski Lodge (Puffle Play Zone) Here, you can buy colors for you to wear once you transform into a puffle, or if you're a boring old penguin, you can buy a puffle costume, lol! Here it is:
You can buy the Puffle Costume for 400 coins in the catalog. Have you bought it yet? Leave a comment below.
Club Penguin Polka Dot Puffle Hat Cheat
The Puffle Party is on, and there are tons of items to get on the island! First off, the Polka Dot Puffle Hat for your penguin to wear! Head over to the Town to pick it up:
Have a great time exploring the Puffle Party, penguins (or puffles)! Waddle on!
Club Penguin Puffle Party Cheats Guide 2012
The long awaited Puffle Party is finally here! In the party you can BECOME your puffle, you'll find some awesome rooms, re-decorated for every puffle on the island, member rooms, free items, and catalogs! Here is a full Club Penguin Puffle Party 2012 Guide!
The main room is the Puffle Show, available for members and non members!
The Puffle Play Zone is where all the fun happens. This room is where you can temporarily become your puffle and jump around the island exactly like your pet!
I hope you enjoy the Puffle Party 2012. I will be posting all the free item cheats and much more here. Stay tuned! Waddle bounce on!
Wednesday, March 14, 2012
Club Penguin Sneak Peek: Puffle Handler!
The Puffle Party's almost here, along with the very first in-game appearance of Club Penguin's newest character -- PH the Puffle Handler!
PH first appeared in 2008 as a secret agent in the Nintendo DS game Elite Penguin Force. This adventurous explorer trained all the Elite Puffles, including Flare!
Here are some other cool facts about PH:
She changed her penguin color after discovering the first brown puffle in the wilderness!
She helped redesign the Pet Shop to make it more exciting for puffles!
Favorite Item: Puffle Whistle
Favorite Food: O'berries
Favorite Game: Puffle Paddle
You might get a chance to meet PH at the Puffle Party. She tries to log on to as many servers as she can, so hopefully you'll get to meet her when she logs on!
Waddle On! :)
-Club Penguin Team
The Puffle Party's almost here, along with the very first in-game appearance of Club Penguin's newest character -- PH the Puffle Handler!
PH first appeared in 2008 as a secret agent in the Nintendo DS game Elite Penguin Force. This adventurous explorer trained all the Elite Puffles, including Flare!
Here are some other cool facts about PH:
She changed her penguin color after discovering the first brown puffle in the wilderness!
She helped redesign the Pet Shop to make it more exciting for puffles!
Favorite Item: Puffle Whistle
Favorite Food: O'berries
Favorite Game: Puffle Paddle
You might get a chance to meet PH at the Puffle Party. She tries to log on to as many servers as she can, so hopefully you'll get to meet her when she logs on!
Waddle On! :)
-Club Penguin Team
Tuesday, March 13, 2012
Club Penguin Puffle Launch App Bonus Levels!
Greetings!Did you know we just updated the Puffle Launch mobile app?
In case you hadn't heard, now there's 60 levels to play on Android, iPod Touch or iPad, including a bunch of brand new Bonus Levels! It's a great way to earn coins quickly while you're away from your computer...
Here's a screenshot of my personal favorite Bonus Level:
The app is available for purchase on the App Store, Amazon Appstore for Android, and Android Market. There's also a free "Lite" version if you want to give it a try first.
So what do you think? What's your favorite Puffle Launch level? Tell us what you like best about it by leaving a comment below!
Waddle On! :)
-Club Penguin Team
Monday, March 12, 2012
Two New Club Penguin Games Coming Soon?
Today, whilst browsing through Club Penguin's files, I noticed a script for two new unreleased games that may be coming to Club Penguin soon. I'm not sure what they are about, because at the moment they are untitled, they are just called "Game24" and "Game25". It still looks like the team are working hard on it as some important information about the games isn't available in the code yet. Here's what the script looks like, you can work out a bit about it by looking at the details closely.
I hope Club Penguin update more about these and give more hints as to what they could be about. As soon as something is changed, it will be posted here. Let us know what you think of these two new possible Club Penguin game exclusives by leaving us a comment in the box below, and as always, waddle on!
Sunday, March 11, 2012
Play Club Penguin on your iPod Touch, iPhone, or iPad!
On the move and in need to check up on the latest Club Penguin updates? Ever wondered how to play Club Penguin on your iPod Touch, iPhone, or iPad because when you visit on Safari it tells you to visit Club Penguin on your computer? Well, this is an official guide on how to play Club Penguin on your iPod, iPhone, or iPad.
Step 1: Download the FREE Puffin Web Browser app.
While it's downloading, go make a cup of coffee or step outside and admire the beauty of mother nature.
Step 2: Once it's downloaded, tap the app and wait for it to load up.
Step 3: Type in to the address bar at the top.
Ta da! You can now play Club Penguin in full on your iPod Touch, iPhone, or iPad! I hope you enjoy this guys. Credit to 1candy0.
Club Penguin Money and Coin Cheats
Ever wanted to be rich on Club Penguin and earn thousands of coins? Today I'm giving you lots of Club Penguin Money Cheats, Coin Cheats, Club Penguin Cheats for Money, and how to earn up to possibly 1 million coins! With coins, you can get all the items you want in the Penguin Style Catalog, Igloo Catalog, Puffle Catalog, and anything else you desire. Let's get started:
The following is a list of Club Penguin game cheats that will help you earn all the coins you want. Click on the games to see a full guide of those games, and how to earn Club Penguin coins and money.
The following is a list of Club Penguin game cheats that will help you earn all the coins you want. Click on the games to see a full guide of those games, and how to earn Club Penguin coins and money.
- Club Penguin Pizzatron 3000 Game Cheats - With this game, you can make pizzas and earn coins as you do so, the game starts off easy and gradually becomes harder, but when you get the hang of it, you will become the top chef!
- Club Penguin Sled Racing Game Cheats- A fun game to play with your penguin buddies, race on your sleds down the Ski Hill and the fastest penguin to the finish line wins the most amount of coins!
- Club Penguin Cart Surfer Game Cheats - This game has to be one of my favorites, your penguin is on a cart and they have to perform turn, flips over, and complete many tricks as possible to win the big coin prize!
- Club Penguin DJ3K Game Cheats - So you're a penguin DJ making music mixes, the more epic mixes you make with all the beats and instruments you can get your flippers on, the more money you get!
- Club Penguin Puffle Roundup Game Cheats - This game requires patience and skill, try to round up as many puffles as you can with your mouse before the timer runs out, the more puffles you round, the more coins you receive for your penguin.
- Club Penguin Find Four Game Cheats - For this game, you must have a penguin to play with you. The aim is to, with your chips, get four in a row as quickly as possible, the penguin who wins, gets all the Club Penguin coins. Good luck!
Saturday, March 10, 2012
Club Penguin Still Access Rockhopper's Quest!
Usually, when a Club Penguin party has ended, if it had a secret or special room only for that party, you can still access it via a room link Club Penguin add to their files. Of course, the Rockhopper's Quest event that just ended is no exception. There were 3 secret rooms in that party and you can still access all of them by clicking the link below and logging into Club Penguin!
Thanks to Trainman1405 and Echo006!
Club Penguin Puffle Party 2012 Teaser Video
Club Penguin uploaded a new video to their YouTube channel recently. It is an advertisement of the Puffle Party 2012. It shows Puffle Handler with a camera looking at the bushes, and she spots a shadow of a giant puffle. It also shows that in the Puffle Party, penguins will be able to become puffles, and walk, talk, and have fun just like them! You can check out the video below, it's brilliant.
What's more, is that the Puffle Party will have exclusive puffle rooms, free puffle clothes for both members and non members, and much more! The party runs on for 12 days, that's nearly two weeks of Puffle fun! Are you excited for the Puffle Party of 2012 on Club Penguin? Leave us a comment below.
Friday, March 09, 2012
New Club Penguin Poll
The Club Penguin team have released a new poll on their community page this week. The question is: "If we remixed a song, which one do you think we should do?" The answers you can choose from are:
- Aqua Grabber
- Jet Pack Adventure
- Flipper Jig
What did you choose on the new Penguin Poll? Let us know ~ leave a comment! Waddle on!
Thursday, March 08, 2012
Club Penguin Featured Igloos - March 8
Thanks for the igloo nominations last time! Here are some of my favorite pirate-themed ones for the week:
Sillyboy102 said: "Hi, I really LOVE my friend Katie4666's igloo! She always changes her igloo. For example, her igloo can be anything from a secret island, a fashion show, a dance place, or even just a home sweet home! I love her igloo because you never know what she will do next!"
Ukfan said: "You should check out my buddy Magicguy216's igloo! He made Aunt Arctic out of puffle beds it's amazing! Then he decorates around her stuff that represents what party is going on. Right now, he has a pirate ship and waves around her! It is just so amazing!"Pup1one said: "I think Kurple88's igloo has an awesome igloo! SHIPWRECK!!! The ship falls down deep into the ocean. That is where Kurple88's igloo takes place. I highly recommend it! Waddle on!"
As you know, the Puffle Party is coming next week! Have you seen a fabulous puffle-themed igloo lately? Let us know the penguin's name and we'll post a few on the blog. Check back soon!
Waddle On! :)
-Club Penguin Team
Club Penguin Times Newspaper Issue #333
The Club Penguin team have released a new penguin times newspaper issue on the island! This week's issue is #333. You can read it all below:
Upcoming Events:
On Now! - Puffle Catalog
Starting Mar. 15 - Quest for the Golden Puffle
Starting Mar. 29 - April Fool's Day Party
Club Penguin Cheese Pin Cheat
Club Penguin have released a new pin on the island. It's a Cheese pin! You can pick it up at the Boiler Room, as shown in the picture below.
I think this pin is funny. What do you think? Leave a comment in the box below, it takes seconds and it helps us out a lot, waddle on!
Club Penguin Puffle Party Construction 2012
The Club Penguin construction for the upcoming Puffle Party of 2012 has begun around many places on the island, for example, the Cove. Here are the constructions boxes, fancy!
Are you excited for the Puffle Party? Let us know by leaving a comment!
New Club Penguin Puffle Party 2012 Login Screen
Club Penguin recently updated their login screen for the Puffle Party 2012, coming soon. It features us penguins, transformed into puffles. This will take place from March 15th - 27th. Check out the new login screen:
I think it's going to be great transforming into puffles! Do you? Let us know in a comment.
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