Thursday, July 21, 2011

Club Penguin Adventure Party 2011 Scavenger Hunt

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Hello penguins! This year's party has brought back a scavenger hunt! Your task is to find Rockhopper’s Missing Cream Soda. You will be rewarded if you find it.
(Thanks to 1candy0 for the images)
To start the scavenger hunt, go to Rockhopper’s ship and click the notice:
Club Penguin Adventure Party Scavenger Hunt
Go to the iceberg and feed the animal in the water with fish until it spits out the telescope.
Club Penguin Adventure Party Scavenger Hunt
Go to the dock and rebuild the ship. You will get the tropical feather if you complete it.
Club Penguin Adventure Party Scavenger Hunt
Go to the forest and climb up the ladder to the Tree House. Play the drums to sound like the birds. Once done, an egg will fall. Click it to get the old key and the map. After, go to the cove.
Club Penguin Adventure Party Scavenger Hunt
Go to the “X” and use your jackhammer to dig into the ground. If you dig deep enough you will find the Cream Soda!
Club Penguin Adventure Party Scavenger Hunt
You will get a hat as a reward for finding the cream soda! You have also earned pins as you went through the Scavenger Hunt. Congratulations!
-Dino Boy7

(Credit to ClubPenguinCP)