Monday, July 11, 2011

Undercover Moderators In Happy77′s Video

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Hey penguins! I was watching Happy77′s music video for “Better Days”
and thanks from Trainman1405 over at CP Memories, I found some pretty suspicious penguins, that are actually undercover moderators! Check it out:

The first one is Optimusprime.

The second is Tundrafluff. (Who has been met on Club Penguin in 2007 for having the Beta Hat.)

Which is NOT actually a Beta Tester!

The third one is Mmmpancakes.

Fourth is Businesmoose. I know they’re a moderator as they have the blue ring around the penguin.

There is also the penguin “Tour Guides” with a blue ring around it.

Finally, there is an unidentified penguin dressed as a sheep with a blue ring around it.

It has later been revealed that this penguin is called "Super Sheep." It is visible at the Iceberg in the music video.

I think this has been fun!

Once again, thanks to CP Memories!