Thursday, November 17, 2011

Club Penguin Field Op: #56 Cheats

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Hello Penguins!
Here at CheatsWithDino, we've found a new Field Op.
A new Field-Op is set and is ready to be successfully finished for us, EPF Agents. This Field-Op is number 56. On this post, we will do an easy tutorial on how to finish this Field-Op and earn yourself a medal. Below, are the steps to finish this Field-Op.

1. Click on your EPF Spy Phone and head on over to the EPF Command Room.

2. Go waddle over to the Field-Ops screen.

3. Click, "Accept" when you finish reading Gary's orders.

4. Waddle over to the Cove by using your map and then waddle over where, "Lemonlime6" is.

5. Click “Engage” to start the Field Ops mission. This one will be about finding symbols in a limited amount of time. This one may be tricky, agents!

Once, you finished the tricky Field-Op, you will get a message from Gary and will eventually earn a medal.

In a comment, tell us what you think about this week's Field-Op!
