Thursday, July 26, 2012

New Club Penguin Igloo Experience Arrives

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Club Penguin has let us know many times about the future experience of decorating igloos. Polo Field said it is one of the biggest projects Club Penguin has ever created. It has fully released today, and some penguins I know, as well as I, love it. There are so many different changes. A few of them are being able to like igloos and seeing who liked them. Club Penguin has also added a feature where you can tell whose igloo you are in.

As you can see from the image above, three different penguins like my igloo, and pressed the 'Like' button. I also have authorization to like my own igloo.

The next change is how you can decorate your igloo, an easier and faster way. To do this, click on the image of the igloo with tools on the bottom right of your screen, then click edit, and you should have all of your items listed at the top of your screen. All you have to do from there is choose which items you want and drag them to where you want them to be.

Another update is the list of igloos that are on the map. This feature has been updated with a few new things. The first one is the graphics, its graphics are now much better, and you can see them much more clearly. The other one is brand new. This feature allows you to see the most popular igloos, your friends' igloos or everyone's igloos.

And those are all the brand new features or updated features that came with the amazing Igloo Experience. Which of the new or updated features is your favorite about the Igloo Experience? Leave your answers down in the comments.