Thursday, February 14, 2013

Club Penguin Times Newspaper Issue 382

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Club Penguin Times issue 382 was published on the island for penguins to read today. It is the seventh edition of 2013. Let's get into it!

Cadence has made the first article "Actors Needed on Set!" It's about a movie premiering on the island, Club Penguin High 3! Sounds like a generic Disney high school movie, doesn't it?

The second article is called "Directors Needed" by the brilliant Aunt Arctic. We're filming, and directors are needed on set!

So with all this filming and actors and directors being needed, what exactly is going on? The Hollywood Party of course!

Now Filming! Club Penguin High 3. Everyone has a dream, what's yours?
Feb. 16. High-Speed Getaway. High-speed car chases. Extreme stunts. Explosions. Are you ready?
Feb. 17. Return of the Space Squid. What happens when you go looking for extraterrestrial life?

-Dino Boy7, Club Penguin Cheats