Thursday, February 21, 2013

Club Penguin Times Newspaper Issue 383

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The Club Penguin times is a newspaper dedicated to inform penguins of current and upcoming events, and some fun features. Today's issue is the 383rd and is the eighth edition of this year (2013). We have two articles, one of them from DJ Cadence welcoming us to The Club Penguin Awards Show.

This one is presumably published by Aunt Arctic as it doesn't have a name and she writes out the newspapers. It's about the films at the Hollywood Party. I must say, they are pretty amazing to take part in! There are 3: Club Penguin High 3, High-Speed Getaway, and Return of the Space Squid. You can read about them below.

Upcoming Events:
Feb. 23. Silver Awards. Strut down the red carpet, and into the awards show!
Feb. 24 to 26. Gold Awards handed out.
Feb. 28. The Stage returns with the legendary Golden Puffle play.

-Dino Boy7, Club Penguin Cheats