Thursday, March 07, 2013

Club Penguin Times Newspaper Issue 385

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Hooray! The Club Penguin Times newspaper is here. This weeks issue is the 385th and the 10th issue of 2013 so far. Today we have headlines from PH and Aunt Arctic with some news about the Puffle Hotel, and a new puffle species...

"New Puffle Species!" By Puffle Handler. The first article this week - about the discovery of the rainbow puffle. We all know it's coming. PH says there's a cloud choc full of the critters! She is eager to observe them.

Aunt Arctic has written about the "Puffle Hotel Construction" taking place in the Plaza. However, why is there a wrecking ball crane there? I can't see what is being knocked down. Strange.

Upcoming Events:
On now! Puffle Fan Fashion. Show your love of puffle with FAN-tastic fashion!
On now! The Stage. Join the quest for the legendary Golden Puffle.
Mar. 21. Puffle Hotel. Bring your pets and don't miss the Grand Opening!

-Dino Boy7, Club Penguin Cheats