Thursday, March 14, 2013

Rainbow Puffle Seen on Club Penguin!

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BREAKING NEWS! The mythical rainbow puffle species has been seen hopping around many places on Club Penguin today! You can see them every couple of minutes at the Dock, Forest and Ski Village. These puffles leave a rainbow streak behind them as they fly off into the distance. I was lucky enough to catch one earlier at the Dock.

Look at how cool they are!

I love how wild puffles randomly pop up on the island before we can adopt them. Remember when the White Puffle was first spotted in 2009 at the Dojo?

Or what about when the Orange Puffle was flying around in the Box Dimension a year after?

I can't wait until we can adopt rainbow puffles!

 -Dino Boy7, Club Penguin Cheats