Friday, April 26, 2013

Club Penguin Marvel Super Hero Takeover Cheats 2013

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At long last, the second annual Club Penguin Marvel Super Hero Takeover party is here. There is a lot more stuff in comparison to last years one. We can of course choose which side we want to be on, super hero or super villain, but now we have a lot more costumes to buy and many more awesome features. Club Penguin have also implemented a small game that is a lot of fun. Today I will be taking you through the party cheats as a Super Hero.

When you log in you can choose your side. I'm a Super Hero right now.

Hit "Triumph!" and you will get a message saying your power gloves need energy! What are power gloves? It is a new item for heroes in the game which allows you to throw snowballs and heal the city.

 You can power up your gloves by playing a mini game in which you have to jump on crystals to earn points.

I only played for about 5 seconds so I got 80.

Once you've sorted out the gloves you want after playing the game a few times, you are free to roam the city. I absolutely love the redesign Club Penguin have done. Just look at the Town!

Another pretty cool feature in the Marvel Takeover is the brand new costumes. Open up the catalog in the lower right side of your screen and browse through them. I have a list of all the new costumes you may want to check out here. The link will open up in a new window so don't worry, click it!

Here are Club Penguin's own costumes.

Here are the official Marvel costumes.

That's not all. Head to the middle room in the Plaza to get the Police Station!

Here you can get your mugshot background and mess around with some special controls. Sshhh!

There are a couple of funny things you can do in the City also. CP have done a great job with realism and I've demonstrated this below with some funny pictures!

You can catch a bus! That will never ever come...

Call your... Mum/Mom?

Oh, and be careful when you're crossing the road. Although there are no moving vehicles at any time.

There are a few more nifty things you can do but I'll leave that up to you to discover.
So how are you liking the Marvel Super Hero Takeover of 2013 on Club Penguin? I hope you enjoy being a villain or a hero as much as I do. Waddle on penguins!

-Dino Boy7, Club Penguin Cheats