Friday, September 20, 2013

Club Penguin EPF Message From Director!

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Hey Penguins!

Today, a brand new EPF message has been sent out to all agents from the Elite Penguin Force. This message is from the head leader of the Elite Penguin Force, The Director. (Also known as Aunt Arctic) The picture below will now show you the message that the Director has sent.

If you can't see the image or the text isn't big enough, here is what the message says:

"There are chickens on the loose. Round them up, agents. It's a matter of national security." -Director

So that does it for the Director's message. I wasn't able to figure out what the Director meant, but it could possibly some to do with this months Medieval Party! Share your thoughts below or tell us what you think the message means by leaving a comment below.

Follow me on Twitter - @ItsMario2903

-Mario2903, Club penguin Cheats