Tuesday, September 17, 2013

Club Penguin September 2013 Stage Catalog Cheats

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Hey penguins!

Every month, a brand new Stage Catalog comes out at The Stage for your penguins to wear clothes and act! Today's brand new monthly stage catalog is the returning "Fairy Fables". This play features a fairy tale about Grumpunzel and Prince Redhood. You probably know a lot about the story, so I'm not going to get into details. But, what I can do is provide you the stage catalog for this month. All items are only purchasable for members!

The first page for this month's Stage Catalog (or Costume Trunk) is no other than the Fairy Storyteller's outfit. Her head item is called "Fairy Tails", her chest item is "Twee's Costume". and her back item is "Twee's Wings." There are no secret items for this page.

The second page for this catalog is Prince Redhood's outfit along with the traditional and always Director's outfit. The items that Prince Redhood wears are: "Prince Redhood's Hat", "Prince Redhood's Costume", and the "Red Cape". The directors outfit is "Director's Hat", and "Blue Scarf". There are no hidden items for this page.

The final page for this month's catalog are the two characters with in the story. Grumpunzel and Big Bad Wool. The items that you can wear for Grumpunzel are: "Beautiful Braid", and "Grumpunzel's Dress". For the Big Bad Wool, his items are: "Big Bad Wool Suit", and "Big Bad Wool Hooves." The only secret item is located on the second page. Simply drag your mouse over to the big purple stone on the wall of the tower. There, you will find a "Fairy Fables Background" that anyone can purchase!

So that's all the provided cheats and your overview on this month's stage catalog. What did you think about the items of the catalog, and what do you think about this play? Share your thoughts below by leaving a comment below the site to support us!

Follow me on Twitter - @ItsMario2903

-Mario2903, Club Penguin Cheats