Thursday, October 30, 2014

Club Penguin Audio Drama - M.A.D (Mutually Assured Destruction)

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Over the last couple of days, I’ve been reunited with my old friend Sam Instone over messaging again. I would actually be surprised if anyone remembers that his username on Club Penguin was Ozery. Sam was a very popular Club Penguin content creator who specialised with films and comedy shorts, using Club Penguin to his advantage. He was also a member of the well known at the time, Minybuddie Shows & Films, founded by Minybuddie (brother to Dq231), Nachoz Rule and Tacky8523, all well known and considered ‘famous’ penguins.

Over his time within the Club Penguin Community. Sam has racked up 3,000 subscribers with his production company (although he deserves MUCH more), Mastersrewdriver Productions, 3.6 million video views in total and at one stage, hundreds of fans. 

He went on a hiatus for two years to focus on other projects, however he came back to Club Penguin Film Making as a one off/signing off project which turned out to be Club Penguin’s first fan made audio drama. An audio drama is essentially a film, without the visual elements apart from the front cover art, giving audiences some idea of the scenes being set.

‘The Final End’ is a trilogy of audio dramas, broke up into three separate parts and released on different dates within this year. The first one, ‘Mutually Assured Destruction’ has already been released, with Herbert P Bear committing another one of his revenge plans, based off events AFTER Herbert's Revenge, the DS game (referenced within the actual story itself). The second will be released on Halloween, entitled ‘Apocalypse’ and the third and last audio drama, which shall be the longest, entitled ‘Survival’, shall be released after Christmas.

M.A.D plot:
"Tracking Herbert P Bear, a notorious terrorist on Club Penguin Island, down until this very moment, the EPF sends in Omega's team of Agents. Omega is a codename of the penguin 'Ozery', a long serving member of the agency for three years, his team comprising of Agents, Dot, Jet Pack Guy, Delta and Alpha, with Gary still behind enemy lines. After loosing Herbert once again, Omega's team mates get very suspicious about their leader, thinking if he's betrayed them or not. Omega goes on the run, the EPF, thinking he's gone renegade, send out a search party to bring him back for a trial and error. Omega finds Herbert and makes amends with him, pairing up, causing Mutually Assured Destruction across the island. Or will they?"
It's the first time someone has attempted to do a CP Audio drama, and if not the first, the best and most thoughtful (especially with the amount of effort and countless hours checking the script, dialogue and character relationships). It could reboot a whole new interest for Club Penguin Film making, as that's been retired for around three years now. This could be revolutionary, with your support of engaging yourself within!

Go and show Sam some love for being an awesome and committed content creator.

Facebook - Seci