Wednesday, July 29, 2015

How to Keep Cool This Summer on Club Penguin!

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Phew! It's hot outside! Aren't you hot? Here's some ways to battle the summer heat on Club Penguin, enjoy!

A good way to keep cool is to relax by the pool, with your cool summer clothes and your yellow rubber ducky!

Or perhaps you are still slightly hot, your puffle's fur is keeping you too warm. Why not head to the Ski Hill, atop the mountains? It's gotta be cooler there.

Right... maybe, too cool? Heh...

Well, you know what they say?! When in doubt, order an ice-cream!

Just make sure that the Pizza Parlour isn't empty!

Every time...

Or you can just relax, lay, and sun-bathe with your favourite puffle friend.

Whatever you do this summer, make the most of it. Have a rockin' summer guys.

Follow me on Twitter - @Dino_Boy7

-Dino Boy7, Club Penguin Cheats