Wednesday, September 16, 2015

Club Penguin Descendants Party 2015 Walkthrough

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Club Penguin have released a new party for the Disney Descendants film: the Descendants Party 2015! This takeover/party will run for the next two weeks on the island. After that comes the 10th Anniversary Party and possibly the Halloween party. This post will be showing you a complete walkthrough for the 2015 Descendants Party. In this cheats guide I will show you how to get the free items for ALL players, the rooms that have been decorated for the party, and generally give you an insight to what the party is all about!

When you log in to Club Penguin, you will be greeted with the following message:
Hey, I’m Mal. The Descendants are taking over CP University! Time to be bad – in a good way.

First of all, you'll need to click the Descendants logo in the top right of your screen.

Then you can click the claim button for each of the items! Members get access to better costumes, but there are some really neat items for the non-members, thanks CP!

Read on to learn more about the party and the rooms!

There are twelve items in total, six for members and six for regular players.

There are also 3 decorated rooms: the school, the mine and the iceberg.

You can access the Iceberg directly from the Mine, which I think is a really neat idea! So everyone, grab your free items, and get set to have some fun at Auradon Prep! Thanks for reading my CP Descendants Takeover Cheats Guide. Stay tuned for some more awesome parties and guides!