Tuesday, September 22, 2015

Meeting Rockhopper on Club Penguin ‒ September 2015

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Ahoy mateys! Club Penguin's most popular pirate captain and mascot, Rockhopper, was visiting the island for Talk Like a Pirate Day, September 2015. He rowed to the snowy island and docked his boat at the Beach when he heard that we penguins were celebrating!

Today, he wrapped up his visit with a final get-together at the Beach. It was grand! Rockhopper arrived at 3PM PST, told us a few stories, shared his tastes in cream soda and stinky cheese, and added all of his fellow sailors and gave them his very own background. He even told us a story about how some pesky pirANTS stole his stinky cheese of his very own ship, and how he had to get it back.

Aunt Arctic once told us "[Rockhopper] is always up for a pirate parade, and enjoys a good pizza party—so if you happen to meet him, be sure to join in. And don't mind the odor. It's just the stinky cheese he keeps in his beard for later!" and I have to admit that is true, sorry RH!

So here we see Rockhopper when he arrived, and he be lookin' as splendid as ever.

I asked him about his cream soda drinking habits, and he responded.

Here are some random photos I got when the captain arrived. Scroll down to see them all.


Thanks for visiting, RH. You ROCK! Get it? Ah, nevermind. Rockhopper is an amazing mascots, and I wish him luck on his travels back to Rockhopper Island. Fair winds, sailor!

"Rockhopper is a pirate captain, Club Penguin's best-known adventurer, and a very good friend of mine. Together with his red puffle Yarr, he sails the high seas in his ship, the Migrator. (It's the third one! You don't go on that many daring adventures without losing a ship or two to the waves.)"
—From the website.