Wednesday, October 14, 2015

Club Penguin Halloween Party 2015 - Beware The Bots!

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Club Penguin have released their Halloween Party 2015 advertisement billboard. It will start on October 22 and will end on November 4. As you can see, the basic plot of the party revolves around bots. My assumption would be that the MascBots that were malfunctioned on the island will turn evil and haunt Club Penguin and it's players. At the bottom of the billboard, you can see what looks like Cadence on the left and Dot on the right, I cannot distinguish the other bots. In the background there is the visible Sensei MascBot, as long as various other mascots.

If you can remember, the plot of the party last year was about ghosts, mainly revolving around the Ghost Puffles and Skip, so this year it seems like the premise will be similar, just with robots instead of the ghosts. The billboard can be seen below.

The Halloween logo has been changed, the pumpkin has green robotic eyes, just like the MascBots, to add a level of aestheticism, and I think it matches well.

Are you ready to be spooked by the bots at the Halloween Party this year on CP? Leave a comment telling me what you're looking forward to, and what you might want to see!