Tuesday, October 27, 2015

Club Penguin Halloween Party Day 7 - PH Bot Walkthrough

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Puffle Handler's bot is going crackers—as she puts it—on the Club Penguin island. It's been almost a week since the Halloween party began. The next bot for day 8 is Agent Rookie, then the next will be revealed. Many penguins have been conspiring about what the next bot we'll have to take down is, with some theorizing it could be Herbert, or even worse. I for one am curious to see who it will be next. But in the meantime, we must defeat the primary MascBots. I will be walking you through taking down the PH bot and obtaining the UFO hand item and the bot head.

PH tells us that she fears UFOs, so the bot must be deactivated using a UFO. PH hints that we should look near a telescope to find one. I wonder where that could be.

A-ha, the Beacon! That seems like a logical place. To get to the Beacon, head to the Beach and walk through the Lighthouse to the roof. By the telescope you will find a small UFO, hovering next to the telescope. Click it and then return to the Snow Forts. Complete the circuit to take down the bot!

Once you've completed the circuit by connecting the electrical wiring, the bot will deactivate due to being spooked. You will then be able to pick up the toy UFO if you are a member, and "The Bot Handler" head.