Wednesday, October 14, 2015

Club Penguin MascBots Are Malfunctioned!

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Hello everyone, important news! The 521st issue of the Club Penguin Times informed us about the MascBots going 'bonkers' on the island, messing up the recorded lines and saying eerie things. I believe that this is due to the "Notta Bare" theory I talked about here. In summary, I believed Herbert was given the blueprints by accident by Gary in last week's newspaper, under the guise of a penguin name. There is a lot of evidence to support it as you will see in the post, and I believe that Herbert has tampered with the bots to malfunction them and wreak havoc on Club Penguin. Click below to read more.

Here are some pictures of the bots experiencing the corruption, and some of their dialogue.

  Even Rockhopper has taken a hard hit. Looks like he had a good night though.

Dot's dialogue at the Cove:
The TeMple of Fruit was all about feeding fruit to a hUngry volcano. And the *BEEeeep*... ;;Error text = Null object reference. unrecoverable data. have a nice day.

Rockhopper's dialogue at the Forest:
Yarrr, this be a spot closE to me heaRt. A wee inlet to toss of yer *BZZZBBZZTT* BoOts and rEst yer *Beeeoooooooppp* corrupt file cortex.exe (err 2085: uh oh) *BZZZZzzzztt*

I believe that this will also be the plot for the Halloween Party 2015, as it is not only perfect timing, but it is advertised on the homepage too that the Halloween party will involve a dilemma involving the MascBots.