Tuesday, November 10, 2015

Club Penguin Extreme Paint Festival at the Dock!

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Club Penguin is holding an Extreme Paint Festival party at the Dock on the island. It's basically the second of the small mini-events that are being released every week now. First was the Mustache fiasco, and now it's a paint festival of sorts. No free items this time. Sad face.

When you log on, Rookie will prompt you to go to the Dock to check it out!

At the Dock, there is a massive white sheet for us to chuck stuff at, and have fun! If you notice, the snowballs are actually bags of paint. Cool!

There is also a nice lil' canvas that creates fun paintings when you throw enough paint at it!

I will leave you with this thought: read the newspaper, read carefully Rookie's dialogue that comes up when you log in. And think about this: Extreme Paint Festival. That's all.