Wednesday, November 11, 2015

There's A New EPF Handbook Out On Club Penguin!

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Just recently, the Elite Penguin Force have released a brand new handbook for current EPF members on the island of Club Penguin. This handbook contains a run-down of the top leaders in the agency, as well as some classified information and some other miscellaneous but nonetheless important tidbits of information, and some for possibly new recruits too! Agents, do NOT let anyone get their flippers on it.

Or paws.

Here is the front cover of the EPF handbook:

The first few pages give us a neat introduction. But why is the Penguin Secret Agency marked on the second page? This is the EPF. Must be a glitch.

That's all I can show you now. Log on and head to the command room to see the rest of the handbook. I recommend you do, it's really quite good! I do want to point out a new recruit page that is featured later on, however:

FRANKY?? Is that you?! I guess we'll wait and see. Post your thoughts below.