Wednesday, December 16, 2015

Club Penguin Holiday Party 2015: Rockhopper Meet-Ups (Week 1)

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The Club Penguin Holiday Party 2015 is almost here, and guess who's visiting?! That's right... our favourite pirate - Rockhopper! Since the Holiday Party is so long, his schedule for meet-ups has been divided into weeks. Here is the schedule for week 1:

Thursday, December 17
10:00AM on the server Chinook
3:00PM on the server Wool Socks

Friday, December 18 
1:00PM on the server Cloudy
5:00P, on the server Rainbow

Saturday, December 19 
10:00AM on the server Cozy
3:00PM on the server Sherbet

Sunday, December 20 
10:00AM on the server Crystal
3:00PM on the server Sled

Monday, December 21 
10:00AM on the server Fog
3:00PM on the server Northern Lights

Tuesday, December 22 
10:00AM on the server Frosty
3:00PM on the server Mittens

Remember! The times listed above are in Penguin Standard Time (PST). You can check the Clock Tower in the Snow Forts for the correct time.