Wednesday, December 30, 2015

Club Penguin Mascots Share Their Best 2015 Memories

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In the most recent issue of the Club Penguin Times newspaper—issue 532—editor Aunt Arctic posted an article named "Happy New Year!"

In the article, she talks about 2015 as a whole, and attempted to 'wrap up' the year with a few nice comments. Also included in the article were a few words from the Club Penguin mascots that she interviewed, in which they shared a few of their favourite memories from the past year.

Today, I would like to present Club Penguin's mascots sharing their best 2015 memories. Enjoy.

Here is a screencap from the newspaper story:

Here it is in plain text:

Rockhopper: Me best moment be right now, celebratin' Coins for Change with all o' ya!

Dot: We came up with some amazing new styles at the Fashion Fest! Those memories are with me forever.

Jet Pack Guy: No time for nostalgia. Herbert still has the UFO power supply. Stopping him is priority.

Cadence: The SoundStudio party was off the hook! Everyone on stage blasted it!! BEST. DAY. EVER!

Rookie: Pizza Party was the best! Oh, we didn't have a pizza party? Well I did!

Gary: Pi Day was stupendous! There were impressive crowds celebrating 3.14! Or were they just there for the salmon pie?

PH: We found a sasquatch raised by wild puffles. Then met alien puffles! But crikey, best we find a power source for their UFO soon!

Sensei: Each day was a gift as the ninjas who I trained brought me great wisdom

Aunt Arctic: And my favorite moment was the amazing 10th Anniversary Party! Because I got to celebrate with all you!

Such kind words from the mascots, thanks everyone!

What was your best memory of 2015? Please leave a comment below, I'd be happy to share your thoughts with the rest of the world. Waddle on!