Wednesday, January 27, 2016

Club Penguin Times Issue #536 - Power Source Under Construction

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It is Wednesday, Club Penguin's update day, so this week's newspaper is here! This is their fourth issue of 2016 alone, and their 536th issue of all time.

This week, we have an article from Gary describing the current situation with the power source, and PH talks about the link between dinosaur and alien puffles.

The main article is called Power Source Under Construction.

The support article from Puffle Handler is appropriately titled Dino Puffle Meets Alien Puffle.

This week. Island Rumors is back!


By Rumor Reporter Does something seem strange about power fragments? It's said they hold incredible power. But where did they come from? How do they work? What can they do?

Someone must know. Gary? Herbert? The EPF?
No one's talking.

My theory? Feagments from the meteor that struck Club Penguin years ago. The result of that? Temporarily turned penguins into superheroes. That's a dangerous power. We need answers.