Tuesday, February 23, 2016

Club Penguin Blog: Puffle Spotlight: Go for Gold!

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A new Puffle Spotlight has been posted on the Club Penguin blog. Today it's all about the GOLD PUFFLE! Take a read below.

Greetings penguins!

Introducing one of the most legendary puffles EVER:

Did you know the first story about a gold puffle can be found in the Book Room? It's Club Penguin HISTORY!

The story is The Legend of the Gold Puffle by Icmer and it's in Penguin Tales Volume 1. In that tale, the gold puffle was actually a painted blue puffle.

Imagine our surprise when in 2013 we found REAL gold puffles! It was like a fairy tale (puffle tale?) come true!

These glittery puff balls have been hidden in the Mine ever since. They love their owners so much that they'll dig up GOLDEN TREASURE for them!

What a rush. What a GOLD RUSH!

-Club Penguin Team