Wednesday, February 10, 2016

Club Penguin Times Issue #538 - Herbert Causes Hoopla!

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Hello everyone,

It's a Wednesday, and you know what that means?! The newest edition of the Club Penguin Times is out! The Club Penguin Times is the island's weekly newspaper. This week's issue is their sixth issue of 2016 and the 538th issue of all time.

This week covers topics on Herbert causing trouble and even an article from DJ Cadence about SoundStudio!

Want to learn more? Read on.

Our first article from this issue is called Herbert Causes Hoopla! from Aunt Arctic.

The support article was written by DJ Cadence, and is called SoundStudio.

The Island Rumors is back!


By Rumor Reporter – Let's talk about the elephant in the room. But it's not an elephant. It's a power source.

Herbert has it, right? Then he builds a laser. Coincidence? I don't think so.

Herbert wouldn't plan a dance party, right? And he doesn't give up easily.

So what will Herbert do NEXT?