Friday, April 29, 2016

4 CRAZY Things You Didn't Notice at the Wilderness Party

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While the Wilderness Party may seem like a fun Club Penguin party with a basic plot and story line, there is actually more to the party than what meets the eye.

I was looking around the sasquatch village on the other side of the maze, and to my surprise I noticed some very familiar relics and objects that have been placed around the village.

Whether these items have been hidden by Club Penguin for us to notice, or they are simply obvious nods to the game's past, they're with no doubt very intriguing.

Today, I am proud to introduce you to 4 oddly familiar things you didn't notice at the Wilderness Party.

#1 – What the shell?!

Behind the village's waterfall stream, there is a secluded area with tools and various apparatus that would be useful to one when living in such a technologically-sparse region of Club Penguin. However there is also a small purple necklace with a shell attached to it.

Now why would a sasquatch like Sam need a shell necklace? Then it got me thinking, it looks just like the Shell Necklace, first appearing at the 2008 Water Party on the island. Perhaps this is a small little reference to the old days of the game.

Well-played, Club Penguin!

#2 – Rock on!

As I mentioned, the town holds a great collection of tools for working hard around the village. Since Sam lives in such a secluded area, he sadly does not have access to anything greater than simple equipment made from rocks and vines. One of the tools hung up on the wall is a hammer made from rock and bound with vines.

Remind you of anything? No? Think back to the Prehistoric Party in January. It looks just like a less-detailed rock hammer from the prehistoric era! Perhaps our Sasquatch pal can time-travel? Yeah... I wouldn't bet on it either. Cool party idea though :^)

#3 – Getting beta all the time.

Sam the Sasquatch has been around for a long time. I mean, he wears Club Penguin's first EVER item, the Party Hat, also known as the Beta Hat on his head whenever we see him, so it's no doubt he is a lover of the old times, just like the rest of us. In fact, he's such a big lover that he has a framed picture of the rare Beta Hat on the wall of one of his huts! How cute.

The plot thickens! The huts are shaped like Beta Hats! That's pretty meta. Or should I say beta.

#4 – Big foot or big-headed?

Now, don't get me wrong. We all adore our Sammy. I mean just look at him. You can't say no to that cheesy face and toothy smile.

(Cue "awww"s)
However, even we can draw the line at his narcissism. I get it, it's the sasquatch village. Yeah ok. But is it really necessary to have TWO pictures of yourself on your walls?

What's next? A statue made of gold erected in the center? Gosh!

Nah, I'm kidding. I can respect that he's proud of his village and he deserves it. After all, we should be apologising for trespassing on his precious land.

So, what did you think of this list? Maybe you have seen these things at the party, make sure to let me know, I'd love to hear your responses. Waddle on everyone!