Monday, April 18, 2016

Weekly Club Penguin Newspaper Makes Switch To Fortnightly Publishing

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Last week, what was meant to be the 547th issue of the Club Penguin Times newspaper was never released. This sent the Club Penguin community in a frenzy, trying to figure out if Club Penguin had simply forgotten, or were making some big changes. One curious penguin by the name of Nina1059CP on Twitter emailed the support team to try and find an answer, and they replied back, informing her that the newspaper will now be published every two weeks, instead of once every week.

This is the first time Club Penguin has prolonged a weekly update, and there are mixed opinions in the community.

Obviously this is harmful in the short run, as a weekly newspaper is always anticipated and enjoyed by many.

However, in the long run, this change may have been decided to help speed up the production rate of Project: Super Secret to help it to be released on time. By removing certain small, time-consuming obstacles, the team can focus on long-term goals for the future of the game. I would much rather a well-done Project: Super Secret that was made possible with some small sacrifices, than a rushed, poorly-done update.

It is during these times that we must not berate Club Penguin, but see through the flaws and realise their choices are in an attempt to better the future for us all.

But that's just my opinion, I'd like to hear yours!

All credits to Nina1059 for the email.