Thursday, July 21, 2016

Club Penguin Times Issue #553 - Ask Dory, With Rookie!

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Club Penguin has updated, and with all the updates comes the long-awaited fortnightly newspaper of the island, known as the Club Penguin Times. Today's newspaper is the twenty-first this year, bringing us to a total of 553 issues of all time.

A new issue of the Club Penguin Times is released bi-weekly (every two weeks) on the island, and contains the latest news of the island as well as interesting and thought-provoking articles . It also contains some jokes, fan art, and much more great content.

This is the last July 2016 newspaper. The next issue will be out August 3th.

Today, we will be looking at the three main focal points of the newspaper: the featured article, support article and upcoming events. This is the usual schedule that I use for posting about the newspaper on so it shouldn't be a surprise unless you're new here.

Ask Dory, With Rookie! is the first article in this newspaper, wherein Rookie discusses with Dory (with an underwater mic!) her experiences with entering the Club Penguin island... to the best of her memory. She mentions she 'just kept swimming' and ended up here. It must've been an icy-cold swim, but nevertheless she made it.

In the second article, The Snow Path, White Belt notes how they went about on their search for Tusk. They mention the road is cold and lonely, and many other ninjas have come before them. White Belt finishes the article with a bold statement: "The answer is out there. Somewhere... in the snow."

Upcoming Events:

July 27 - Take Your Pet for a Walk Day
August 3 - Furniture and Igloo Catalog - August 2016
August 3 - Penguin Style - August 2016