Tuesday, August 16, 2016

Happy Tell a Joke Day! - Cheats With Dino

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Did you know that August 16th is National Tell a Joke Day? That's right, every 16th of August you should be celebrating this funny holiday with your best jokes.

One person who is certainly celebrating this day is Megg on the Club Penguin blog, who has made a Club Penguin blog post informing us of this special day!

She says:

Hi penguins,

What I'm about to tell you is no joke! Actually, it kind of is. Today is Tell a Joke Day!

One of our penguin pals wrote in and gave us the heads-up about this awesome day. That's perfect since I've been working on this gem:

A snow and water ninja are playing Card-Jitsu. A sad fire ninja walks up to them.

The fire ninja says, "Guys, I got fired!"
The water ninja says, "Water you going to do?"
The snow ninja says, "Chill out, guys. Snow reason to worry!"

I know what you're thinking: "HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH!"


What jokes do you have to tell? Post them in the comments below!

-The Club Penguin Team

That was a great joke, Megg! Now ready for mine:

A penguin walks into a bar, and doesn't talk, because this is reality. And in reality, the only animals with functioning vocal chords that can communicate language are humans.